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[byrd@WWW ~]$ cat /etc/motd .=""=. / _ _ \ | d b | \ /\ / , ,/'-=\/=-'\, |\ /\/ \/| ,_ / / \ \ ; \/` '; , \_', | / \ | \ / \/ \ / \/ '. .' /`. '. .' `~~` , /\ `"` _|`~~`|_ . `" /|\ /|\ * * * Warning * * * Hi, this is Web Server, please don't delete anything, THX. If you have any questions please contact us. Your IP has been IDS records, and sent to the administrator mailbox. If you are a non authorized user, please disconnect. Mailto:byrd [byrd@WWW ~]$ |
申明:本文由BYRD原创(基于Centos6.4 X64),未经许可禁止转载!SourceByrd's Weblog-https://note.t4x.org/system/vim-etc-motd/ SourceByrd's Weblog-https://note.t4x.org/system/vim-etc-motd/
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